Sunday, December 18, 2011

Presenting... *dundundun*

Some of you may have seen my old blog, Shorty & Shrimpy. Unfortunately, due to busyness, neither myself nor Shorty has had sufficient time to post suitably funny things. I have no idea whether or not Shorty & Shrimpy will continue, but regardless, I'm starting my own blog. I've wanted a blog where I have the capacity to be relatively serious, so here 'tis! I suppose there is a limit to how serious one can be when one's nickname is "Shrimpy", but... =P

I'm not entirely clear on what I'll be posting about, but it will probably be a wide variety of things. Probably a mixture of personal stories, musings on the faith, current events commentary, music, book reviews, and randomly funny things.

Please comment and use the reactions buttons below the post. I was feeling non-conformist, and rather than using standard "happy" "awesome" "cool" "funny" "random" buttons, I made smiley faces. :) Please please use them, they will make me "=D" and "^_^".

In order to keep myself somewhat regular about posting, I'll probably do some sort of music thing every week ("Tuesday Tunes" -- yay for cheesy names!) and then post in between about other stuff.



  1. This is pretty much awesome! :D Just like you are awesome! Can't wait to hear and see what you've been up to and what you've been thinking. :) btw, I love the name! Haha, its great!
